When playing any game there are certain thing you must know before you play. Seeing that most games are designed to decide, declare,determine winners and losers, the first thing for you to learn is how do you win. Second thing you want to learn is the rules of the game and exactly how the game is played. Most games are the ones we choose to play some games you must play in order to acquire certain prizes. But any game you must play you must become proficient in order to win but in zero sum games you must get out of the games hence in all others you will at minimum win something. The games that Must be played in America are either the Zero Sum game of Racism or games of numbers like Democracy, Republic, Capitalism,Politics,Lobbying,Voting,some of these goes without mentioning but some people play these games and cant figure out why they keep losing. Hence all groups in America that are called MINORITIES will always lose until they become majorities.So until you increase your Numbers and or Capital you Lose Period. So the job of the MAJORITY IS STAY THE MAJORITY, SO GUESS WHAT IS THE JOB OF THE MINORITY IS?

8 Replies to “The Numbers Game”

  1. I didn’t understand very well.

    1. Please ask questions ” Questions and Answers” is the key to understanding ANYTHING

  2. Not a bad post, but a lot too much.

    1. Please give me your thoughts or suggestions

  3. You are wrong. I can prove it. Email me at PM, we will discuss.

    1. How so? please explain or give me your thought process

  4. There is something in this and an excellent idea, I agree with you.

    1. Please share your feed back on post all feed back is much appreciated good or bad

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